Having finished the books that were burning inside me, I’ve recently been spending some time learning about how to write, promote, and sell books. Maybe I have things backwards, but there’s a reason I called my first autobiographical book, “Ireentje Learns the Hard Way”. She did, and she still does.


So, now that the book has been out for a couple of years (I self-published fast so that my dad could hold it in his hands before he passed away), I’m re-thinking the title, the images, and maybe even the voice. Should I call it “Second-hand Bubble Gum” or “Poop and Other Stories”? Should I illustrate it with cartoon characters? Should I write it in first person? ARRGH!


Because I realized I need help, I joined a group of children’s authors called, Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators. They sent me a link to a HUGE, and I mean HHUUUGGGEEE guide to publishing for children. So, for the next few weeks, I’m going to be reading more than I will be writing. Because I’m tired of learning the hard way.